Aluflexpack novi d.o.o.
Aluflexpack novi d.o.o.
https://www.aluflexpack.com/Dr. Franje Tuđmana 25, Murvica, 23241 Poličnik<b>Aluflexpack AG (AFP)</b> with its affiliated companies, publicly listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange, is a leading player in the <b>flexible packaging industry</b> in its respective markets with state-of-the-art production facilities as well as highly recognized product, service & quality standards. Its main business activity is the <b>production of premium flexible packaging solutions</b> by processing aluminum foil, paper and flexible films. AFP provides services internationally, with an aim to further develop its leading role in the flexible packaging industry in Europe and also globally. More on: <a href="https://www.aluflexpack.com/" style="color: #fff; font-weight: bold;" target="_blank"><u>www.aluflexpack.com</u></a> Personal commitment and competence of employees are key factors for the success of Aluflexpack Group. We take care of continuous investment in training of employees and ensuring their development.Više o poslodavcu
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