- Ensures that all company minimum brand standards have been implemented.
- Works closely with other employees in a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on the overall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests.
- Has excellent knowledge of all available products in the market and buys locally fresh products wherever possible.
- Checks incoming food products and ensures that all food merchandise is in accordance with order sheets and receiving records.
- Coordinates with all satellite kitchens for their mise-en-place and supplies.
- Assists to regularly conduct yield testing to ensure wastage is kept minimal and that all recipes are correct and up-to-date.
- Directs food apportionment policy to control costs.
- Monitors closely the requirements in own section and order the food items at the right time and in the right quantity for the intended use.
- Observes methods of food preparation and cooking, sizes of portions, and garnishing of foods to ensure food is prepared in prescribed manner.
- Estimates food consumption and purchases or requisitions of foodstuffs and kitchen supplies.
- Assists to devise special dishes and develop innovative recipes.
- Establishes and enforces sanitation standards for the kitchen.
- Responds to the results of the Consumer Audit and ensures that the relevant changes are implemented.
- osigurava implementaciju minimalnih brend standarda tvrtke.
- blisko surađuje s drugim zaposlenicima na podržavajući i fleksibilan način, usmjeren na ukupni uspjeh hotela i zadovoljstvo gostiju.
- posjeduje izvrsno znanje svih dostupnih proizvoda na tržištu i kupuje lokalne svježe proizvode kad god je to moguće.
- provodi kontrolu dolaznih prehrambenih proizvoda i osigurava da svi proizvodi odgovaraju narudžbenicama i zapisnicima o prijemu.
- koordinira s drugim kuhinjama u hotelu u vezi pripreme i opskrbe potrebnim namirnicama.
- pomaže u redovnom provođenju testiranja uštede kako bi se smanjilo bacanje hrane i osiguralo da su svi recepti točni i ažurirani.
- provodi politiku raspodjele hrane za kontrolu troškova.
- pomno prati potrebe vlastitog odjela i naručuje potrebnu količinu hrane u pravo vrijeme.
- prati metode pripreme hrane, veličinu porcija i ukrašavanje jela kako bi osigurao da je hrana pripremljena prema propisanim standardima.
- procjenjuje potrošnju hrane te naručuje ili traži potrebne namirnice i kuhinjske potrepštine.
- pomaže u stvaranju specijalnih jela i razvoju inovativnih recepata.
- utvrđuje i provodi sanitarne standarde u kuhinji.
- odgovara na rezultate kontrole i osigurava implementaciju potrebnih promjena.
- osigurava izvanrednu uslugu, rješava pritužbe i održava pozitivne interakcije s gostima