
Frontend (JavaScript) Developer (m/f)

Thespian d.o.o.
Prijava do: 22. 07. 2024.
Plaća: Od 1400 EUR do 2500 EUR
Lokacija rada: Zagreb

Opis posla

As a JavaScript developer you will closely collaborate with our other teams (designers, backend developers, marketing) - as well as clients directly - to create or improve interesting and technically challenging high-throughput web applications, whose respective industries can vary from eLearning and eHealth to real estate and public transportation, keeping your job dynamic and fresh. We also strive to include new and emerging technologies such as blockchain into our products whenever applicable. Depending on your expertise, you could be assigned a mentor to guide and support you in order to help you better integrate into our team as a new member.
Vrsta poslaStalni radni odnos

Potrebno obrazovanje, znanja i vještine

Requirements: - Minimum of 2 years of experience in development of Single Page Application (SPA) - Understanding of basic technologies and concepts for modern web development (JavaScript, ES6, HTML, CSS, Node, NPM, DOM, REST) - Experience with component-based JavaScript frameworks (React, Angular, Vue, Svelte) - Experience with the development of Single Page Application (SPA) with a focus on managing a global state of the application (Flux, Redux, VueX) - Experience with using a module bundler for packing JavaScript applications (Webpack, Gulp) - Excellent knowledge of English language - Excellent knowledge of Croatian language Not a requirement, but it would be great if you have: - At least one year of experience in the same or similar position - Experience with the development of mobile applications using web technologies (Cordova, Ionic, React Native) - Familiarity with testing JavaScript applications (jest, Cypress) - Familiarity with the Git version control - Familiarity with release and deploy application concepts (Production/Staging environment, Continuous Integration) - Understanding of backend concepts: MVC, ORM, CRUD - Familiarity with blockchain technologies (Cardano, Polkadot, Ethereum)
Digitalne vještineAngular, CSS, Document Object Model (DOM), ECMAScript 2015 (ES6), Flux, Gulp.js, HTML, JavaScript, Node Package Manager (npm), Node.js, React, Redux, Representational State Transfer (REST), Single Page Applications, Vue.js, Webpack, Svelte
JezikEngleski (C1), Hrvatski (C1)
Minimalno radno iskustvo2

Poslodavac ti nudi

- Permanent employment - Salary from 1400 - 2500 netto - Paid meal (catering) - Paid childcare - Subsidized MultiSport card - Hybrid workplace (office is located in Zagreb) - Sliding work schedule We invite all interested candidates to apply via the provided application link. We look forward to receiving your application and meeting you!
Thespian d.o.o.
Thespian d.o.o.
https://www.thespian.hrZadarska ulica 80, 10000 ZagrebThespian develops lean, impactful software for forward-bound businesses in industries that directly improve lives. Everything we’ve accomplished, we owe to our team and clients. Most recently, we ranked #33 on Clutch's top 100 fast-growing companies. Our crew always asks the right questions, takes pride in what they do, and knows that seeing things from other people’s perspectives matters as much as technical skills. If you want to join 20 young professionals and make a real impact, keep reading.
Potreban broj zaposlenika1
Oglas objavljen02. 07. 2024.
Prosječna plaća u kategoriji IT, telekomunikacije iznosi 1328.03 EUR
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