
Waiter / konobar (m/ž)

Hyatt Regency Zadar (Zadar Resort d.o.o.)
Prijava do: 14. 02. 2025.
Lokacija rada: Zadar

Opis posla

- Opening and closing the venue on a daily basis - Greeting and serving guests with a friendly and attentive service - Serving food and beverages professionally and creatively, including cocktails, mixed drinks, spirits, wines and other alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages - Knowledge of at least classic cocktails - Providing professional advice to guests regarding food and drink selection - Taking orders and considering special requests or allergies - Collaboration with all F&B Team - Preparation and follow-up work for the service/mise en place - Professional handling of the Micros (cash) register system - Responsible for the satisfaction of guests - Maintaining and upholding an attractive venue presentation, responsible for impeccable cleanliness - Ensuring food safety and compliance with legal regulations and standards as well as the hygiene standards of the Hotel - Implementation of the continuous improvement process that ensures and improves quality and food safety ----- - otvoriti i zatvoriti objekt svakodnevno - pozdraviti i poslužiti goste s prijateljskom i pažljivom uslugom - posluživanje hrane i pića na profesionalan i kreativan način, uključujući koktele, miješane napitke, alkoholna i bezalkoholna pića - poznavanje barem klasičnih koktela - pružanje profesionalnih savjeta gostima u vezi s izborom hrane i pića - prihvaćanje narudžbi i razmatranje posebnih zahtjeva ili alergija - suradnja sa svim članovima F&B tima - priprema i naknadni rad za uslugu / mise en place - profesionalno rukovanje sustavom registra (Micros) i naplatom - odgovornost za zadovoljstvo gostiju - održavanje i unaprjeđivanje atraktivne prezentacije objekta, odgovornost za besprijekornu čistoću - osiguranje sigurnosti hrane i usklađenost s zakonskim propisima i standardima te higijenskim normama Hotela - implementacija procesa kontinuiranog poboljšanja koji osigurava i poboljšava kvalitetu i sigurnost hrane
Vrsta poslaNa određeno vrijeme

Potrebno obrazovanje, znanja i vještine

Stručna spremaSrednja stručna sprema, Kvalificirani, Visokokvalificirani
Vozačka dozvolaB
Digitalne vještineWord, Excel, Internet, Outlook
JezikEngleski (C1)
Minimalne godine radnog iskustva1-3
Hyatt Regency Zadar (Zadar Resort d.o.o.)
Hyatt Regency Zadar (Zadar Resort d.o.o.)
https://www.hyatt.com/hyatt-regency/en-US/zadrz-hyatt-regency-zadarObala kneza Trpimira 7, 23000 ZadarThe hotel will be located at Zadar’s landmark Maraska building on the waterfront and will be within walking distance of the city’s famous Sea Organ , an experimental instrument that plays music through the movement of sea waves. Hyatt Regency Zadar will be a great launching pad for travelers visiting Croatia’s Dalmatian coast, the Roman and Venetian ruins, and famous national parks, including Plitvice Lakes, Zadar Archipelago and Kornati National Park. Hyatt Regency Zadar will deliver on the modern expectations of today’s travelers and meeting planners. The 130-room hotel will feature authentic food and beverage offerings that will build off the Hyatt Regency brand’s history of culinary excellence. The hotel will serve as the perfect venue for a variety of events such as weddings, social banquets, exhibitions, meetings, and conferences. Additionally, the hotel will offer a fitness center, spa and an outdoor swimming pool.
Potreban broj zaposlenika2
Oglas objavljen04. 02. 2025.
Prosječna plaća u kategoriji Turizam i ugostiteljstvo iznosi 1122.67 EUR
Saznaj plaću za željenu poziciju prema svojim kvalifikacijama!Usporedi plaću