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Human Resources and Administrative Specialist (m/ž)

Bear Data d.o.o.
Prijava do: 02. 06. 2024.
Lokacija rada: Zadar

Opis posla

Job description: - carrying out the end-to-end recruitment process (creating and publishing job ads, filtering incoming applications, organizing and conducting selection interviews, informing candidates about the process, and coordinating other stakeholders in the process) - organization and participation in the onboarding of new employees - participation in the assessment of the quality of work and competencies of current employees and the design, coordination, and implementation of development activities - monitoring the level of employee satisfaction and engagement and creating action plans for improvement - continuous monitoring of labor laws of foreign countries and harmonization with them - participation in the implementation and monitoring of the benefits system, salary processing, benefits and advancement - conducting salary processing - work on improving and implementing company processes and policies - collection and processing of other data relevant to the domain of human resources - tracking and recording changes and processes within the human resources software - performing work tasks in English The work is performed in Zadar.
Vrsta poslaNa određeno vrijeme

Potrebno obrazovanje, znanja i vještine

- intensive use of the English language (in writing and speech) - interest in performing administrative and research work - orientation to details and precision when performing work - strong communication skills and intercultural competencies - equally - independence in work and good functioning within the team - knowing the Spanish language is an advantage - 1-3 years of experience is highly desirable
Stručna spremaSveučilišni prvostupnik
Digitalne vještineWord, Excel, Internet
JezikEngleski (B2), Španjolski (Prednost)
Minimalno radno iskustvo1-3

Poslodavac ti nudi

- supportive working environment and dignified working conditions - work in an international team - unique opportunities for professional development in Croatia - training, constant progress, and improvement To apply, please include a CV and a motivational letter in English.
Bear Data d.o.o.
Put Tarokinih 14, 23263 ŽdrelacThe company Bear Data d.o.o. is a Croatian company that provides services to an American company. Bear Data specializes in project coordination, research, translation, and data processing. It brings together educated experts in the areas of project coordination that include international teamwork, research, and administration. Since 2020, we have recorded stable growth, and our team currently has over 20 employees and an international team. The work is performed in English. This is a remote job, with one day in a shared office in Zadar. The company provides all the necessary equipment and licenses.
Potreban broj zaposlenika1
Oglas objavljen23. 05. 2024.
Prosječna plaća u kategoriji Ljudski resursi iznosi 1307.85 EUR
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