Pensioner support

Limar (m/ž)

TOMO-LIM građevinski obrt, vl. TOMISLAV LUKENDA, NARTA 217
Apply until: 4/9/2025
Work location: Bjelovar

Job description

Traži se limar (m/ž).
Job typePermanent

Required education, knowledge and skills

Required educationHigh school, Skilled, Low skilled, Semi Qualified

Employment benefits

- naknada za prijevoz se djelomično isplaćuje
TOMO-LIM građevinski obrt, vl. TOMISLAV LUKENDA, NARTA 217
Number of workers1
Published on3/10/2025
Average net salary for the category Proizvodnja i zanatske usluge is 1205.83 EUR*
Find out the salary for the desired position according to your qualifications!Compare salary*The salary shown here is an average salary for this category, not the salary for this specific position