
Guest Service Officer / Recepcionar (m/ž)

Hyatt Regency Zadar (Zadar Resort d.o.o.)
Prijava do: 14. 02. 2025.
Lokacija rada: Zadar

Opis posla

- Responsible for the check-in & check-out of guests - Creating guest accounts and managing them - Booking hotel guests' services and managing individual receipts - Answering the main telephone line - Secure product knowledge and secure handling of all computer-related work - Responsible for the independent management of a cash register, the daily cash balance and the deposit of daily income - Control of guest registration, considering the reporting system - Regular update of all guest data in the computer system - Explanation of the equipment of the hotel room - If required, accompanying guests to their rooms and explaining the furnishings in the hotel room - Regular participation in department meetings - Keeping the logbook in relation to guest requests - Monitoring and maintaining the hotel lobby in terms of cleanliness and tidiness - Proper receiving and forwarding of mail, phone calls, messages, etc. - Maintaining and checking the tools and equipment in the work area - Handling guest feedback, (positive and negative) by adding to the platforms, offering solutions and compensations, if assistance is needed forwarding to Team Leader or Manager - Forwarding guest complaints to the service manager for follow-up - Participates in training and constantly develops skills and knowledge - Responsible for the care and maintenance of the department's facilities and equipment - Assisting with cost and turnover control - Taking on other reasonable tasks, also in other operating departments, if necessary for the smooth running of operations ----- - odgovornost za prijavu i odjavu gostiju - kreiranje i upravljanje računima gostiju - rezervacija hotelskih usluga za goste i upravljanje individualnim računima - telefonska komunikacija s gostima putem glavne telefonske linije - poznavanje hotelskih usluga i sigurno rukovanje svim računalnim sustavima - samostalno upravljanje blagajnom, dnevno usklađivanje gotovine te uplata dnevnih prihoda - kontrola registracije gostiju u skladu s prijavnim sustavom - redovito ažuriranje podataka o gostima u računovodstvenom sustavu - objašnjenje opreme u hotelskim sobama - po potrebi, pratnja gostiju do njihovih soba i objašnjenje sadržaja u sobama - redovito sudjelovanje na timskim sastancima - vođenje zapisnika u vezi s zahtjevima gostiju - održavanje čistoće i urednosti hotelskog predvorja - ispravno zaprimanje i prosljeđivanje pošte, telefonskih poziva i poruka - održavanje i provjera opreme i alata u radnom prostoru - upravljanje povratnim informacijama gostiju (pozitivnim i negativnim) na platformama, nuditi rješenja i kompenzacije, te uputiti na voditelja tima ili menadžera u slučaju potrebe za dodatnom pomoći - prosljeđivanje pritužbi gostiju menadžeru usluga na daljnje postupanje - aktivno sudjelovanje u obukama i kontinuiranom usavršavanju vještina i znanja - odgovornost za brigu o održavanju opreme i objekata odjela - pomoć u kontroliranju troškova i prihoda - obavljanje drugih razmjernih zadataka, uključujući i one u drugim odjelima, kako bi se osigurao nesmetan rad hotela
Vrsta poslaSezonski

Potrebno obrazovanje, znanja i vještine

Stručna spremaVisoka stručna sprema, Magistar struke, MBA
Vozačka dozvolaB
Digitalne vještineWord, Excel, Internet, Outlook
JezikEngleski (C1)
Minimalne godine radnog iskustva1-3
Hyatt Regency Zadar (Zadar Resort d.o.o.)
Hyatt Regency Zadar (Zadar Resort d.o.o.)
https://www.hyatt.com/hyatt-regency/en-US/zadrz-hyatt-regency-zadarMarka Marulića 11, 23000 ZadarThe hotel will be located at Zadar’s landmark Maraska building on the waterfront and will be within walking distance of the city’s famous Sea Organ , an experimental instrument that plays music through the movement of sea waves. Hyatt Regency Zadar will be a great launching pad for travelers visiting Croatia’s Dalmatian coast, the Roman and Venetian ruins, and famous national parks, including Plitvice Lakes, Zadar Archipelago and Kornati National Park. Hyatt Regency Zadar will deliver on the modern expectations of today’s travelers and meeting planners. The 130-room hotel will feature authentic food and beverage offerings that will build off the Hyatt Regency brand’s history of culinary excellence. The hotel will serve as the perfect venue for a variety of events such as weddings, social banquets, exhibitions, meetings, and conferences. Additionally, the hotel will offer a fitness center, spa and an outdoor swimming pool.
Potreban broj zaposlenika2
Oglas objavljen04. 02. 2025.
Prosječna plaća u kategoriji Turizam i ugostiteljstvo iznosi 1122.67 EUR
Saznaj plaću za željenu poziciju prema svojim kvalifikacijama!Usporedi plaću