Top performer, dynamic, team-oriented, and highly motivated professional with excellent analytical, communicational, organizational, and interpersonal skills, and stress-resistant personality, capable to prioritize and meet deadlines and to be responsible for smooth day-to-day operations making people function efficiently.
If you own:
- University diploma
- Developed communication and presentation skills
- Excellent knowledge of the English language, both written and spoken
- Slovenian will be considered an advantage
- Computer skills (Windows, Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
- Category B driving license
- Willingness to constantly learn
You are an ideal candidate to become a member of our small and efficient team.
Stručna spremaVisoka stručna sprema, Viša stručna sprema, Stručni prvostupnik, Magistar struke, Stručni specijalist, Sveučilišni prvostupnik
Vozačka dozvolaB
Digitalne vještineWord, Excel, Power Point, Internet, Outlook
JezikEngleski (C1), Slovenski (Prednost)