
Engineer / Kućni majstor (m/ž)

Hyatt Regency Zadar (Zadar Resort d.o.o.)
Prijava do: 14. 02. 2025.
Lokacija rada: Zadar

Opis posla

- Properly handles and maintains all power tools and measuring instruments - Assists other tradespersons or technicians when requested by Superiors - Works closely with other employees in a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on the overall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests - Carries out and completes all maintenance works/requests according to the established schedule and ensures high quality of finishing work, pays particular attention to guest related jobs - Operates assigned machines/ equipment or “Primary Plant” as to provide continuous and consistent utilities required for operations - Inspects, maintains and services all AHU’s - Inspects, maintains and services swimming pool technology - Attends to guest air conditioning requests in a manner and standard as specified in policy and procedures - Properly handles and maintains all power tools - Submits request to the Team Leader – Engineering for the purchases of parts and consumables - Ensures cleanliness of all work areas and protects the surroundings when executing duties - Ensures effective energy conservation measures in areas of operations - Ensures fire, life and safety systems are operational - Performs emergency procedures relating to fire, life and safety; e.g., such as attending to fire alarms, lift rescue - Ensures timely completion of work orders and preventive maintenance tasks - Reports any abnormal conditions noticed at any time in line with safety related equipment or installation to Team Leader – Engineering - Assists other Technicians when requested by Superiors ---- - ispravno koristi i održava sve električne alate i mjerne instrumente - pomaže drugim radnicima ili tehničarima na zahtjev nadređenih - usko surađuje s ostalim zaposlenicima u podržavajućem i fleksibilnom načinu, usmjerenom na ukupni uspjeh hotela i zadovoljstvo gostiju - izvršava i dovršava sve radove na održavanju/preporuke prema utvrđenom rasporedu, te osigurava visoku kvalitetu završnih radova, s posebnim naglaskom na radove vezane uz goste - rukuje dodijeljenim strojevima/opremom ili „primarnim postrojenjima“ kako bi osigurao kontinuiranu i dosljednu opskrbu potrebnim korisnim energijama za radne procese - provodi inspekciju, održavanje i servisiranje svih AHU (Air Handling Units) uređaja - provodi inspekciju, održavanje i servisiranje bazenske tehnike - postupa po zahtjevima gostiju u vezi s klima uređajem na način i u standardima koji su definirani pravilnicima i procedurama - ispravno koristi i održava sve električne alate - podnosi zahtjeve voditelju tima za kupnju dijelova i potrošnog materijala - osigurava čistoću svih radnih prostora i štiti okolinu tijekom obavljanja svojih dužnosti - osigurava provedbu učinkovitih mjera očuvanja energije u operativnim područjima - osigurava funkcionalnost sustava zaštite od požara, života i sigurnosti - izvršava hitne postupke vezane uz požar, životnu sigurnost i zaštitu, poput postupanja u slučaju požarnog alarma ili spašavanja iz dizala - osigurava pravovremeno izvršenje naloga za radove i preventivno održavanje - prijavljuje svaku abnormalnu situaciju u vezi sa sigurnosnim opremama ili instalacijama voditelju tima za inženjering - pomaže drugim tehničarima na zahtjev nadređenih
Vrsta poslaNa određeno vrijeme

Potrebno obrazovanje, znanja i vještine

Stručna spremaSrednja stručna sprema, Visokokvalificirani
Digitalne vještineWord, Excel, Internet, Outlook
JezikEngleski (B2)
Minimalne godine radnog iskustva3-5
Hyatt Regency Zadar (Zadar Resort d.o.o.)
Hyatt Regency Zadar (Zadar Resort d.o.o.)
https://www.hyatt.com/hyatt-regency/en-US/zadrz-hyatt-regency-zadarMarka Marulića 11, 23000 ZadarThe hotel will be located at Zadar’s landmark Maraska building on the waterfront and will be within walking distance of the city’s famous Sea Organ , an experimental instrument that plays music through the movement of sea waves. Hyatt Regency Zadar will be a great launching pad for travelers visiting Croatia’s Dalmatian coast, the Roman and Venetian ruins, and famous national parks, including Plitvice Lakes, Zadar Archipelago and Kornati National Park. Hyatt Regency Zadar will deliver on the modern expectations of today’s travelers and meeting planners. The 130-room hotel will feature authentic food and beverage offerings that will build off the Hyatt Regency brand’s history of culinary excellence. The hotel will serve as the perfect venue for a variety of events such as weddings, social banquets, exhibitions, meetings, and conferences. Additionally, the hotel will offer a fitness center, spa and an outdoor swimming pool.
Potreban broj zaposlenika2
Oglas objavljen04. 02. 2025.
Prosječna plaća u kategoriji Instalacije, održavanje i popravci iznosi 1184.83 EUR
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