
Bellboy / Vozač-nosač prtljage (m/ž)

Hyatt Regency Zadar (Zadar Resort d.o.o.)
Prijava do: 14. 02. 2025.
Lokacija rada: Zadar

Opis posla

- Greet guests on arrival and assist with luggage - Escort guests to their rooms and explain room facilities - Deliver guest luggage promptly and accurately - Maintain cleanliness and organization of the lobby and luggage storage area - Assist guests with luggage storage, ensuring proper handling and security - Respond to guest inquiries and provide information about hotel services - Ensure the lobby and entrance areas are clean and tidy at all times - Open doors and offer assistance with transportation - Direct guests to various hotel facilities when necessary - Assist with parcel wrapping and delivery - Maintain a clean and professional appearance at all times - Work collaboratively with other hotel staff to ensure guest satisfaction - Follow hotel policies and procedures, including those related to safety and security - Assist in transporting guests' luggage between the hotel and their vehicles - Report any guest issues or complaints to senior staff for further action - Perform other duties as assigned to support the smooth running of hotel operations ----- - Dočekivanje gostiju pri dolasku i pomoć s prtljagom - Pratnja gostiju do njihovih soba i objašnjenje sadržaja sobe - Pravovremena i točna dostava prtljage gostiju - Održavanje čistoće i organizacije ulaznog i prostora za pohranu prtljage - Pomoć gostima s pohranom prtljage, osiguravajući pravilno rukovanje i sigurnost - Odgovaranje na upite gostiju i pružanje informacija o uslugama hotela - Osiguravanje čistoće i urednosti u predvorju i pred ulazom hotela u svakom trenutku - Otvaranje vrata i pomoć pri organiziranju prijevoza - Usmjeravanje gostiju prema raznim hotelima sadržajima kad god je potrebno - Pomoć pri pakiranju paketa i dostavi - Održavanje profesionalnog izgleda i čistoće u svakom trenutku - Suradnja s ostalim osobljem hotela kako bi se osigurala zadovoljstvo gostiju - Slijeđenje svih pravila i procedura hotela, uključujući one vezane uz sigurnost - Pomoć pri transportu prtljage između hotela i vozila gostiju - Prijavljivanje svih problema ili pritužbi gostiju višem osoblju na daljnje postupanje - Obavljanje drugih zadataka po nalogu kako bi se osigurao nesmetan rad hotela
Vrsta poslaSezonski

Potrebno obrazovanje, znanja i vještine

Stručna spremaSrednja stručna sprema
Vozačka dozvolaB
Digitalne vještineInternet
JezikEngleski (C1)
Minimalne godine radnog iskustva0-1
Hyatt Regency Zadar (Zadar Resort d.o.o.)
Hyatt Regency Zadar (Zadar Resort d.o.o.)
https://www.hyatt.com/hyatt-regency/en-US/zadrz-hyatt-regency-zadarMarka Marulića 11, 23000 ZadarThe hotel will be located at Zadar’s landmark Maraska building on the waterfront and will be within walking distance of the city’s famous Sea Organ , an experimental instrument that plays music through the movement of sea waves. Hyatt Regency Zadar will be a great launching pad for travelers visiting Croatia’s Dalmatian coast, the Roman and Venetian ruins, and famous national parks, including Plitvice Lakes, Zadar Archipelago and Kornati National Park. Hyatt Regency Zadar will deliver on the modern expectations of today’s travelers and meeting planners. The 130-room hotel will feature authentic food and beverage offerings that will build off the Hyatt Regency brand’s history of culinary excellence. The hotel will serve as the perfect venue for a variety of events such as weddings, social banquets, exhibitions, meetings, and conferences. Additionally, the hotel will offer a fitness center, spa and an outdoor swimming pool.
Potreban broj zaposlenika1
Oglas objavljen04. 02. 2025.
Prosječna plaća u kategoriji Turizam i ugostiteljstvo iznosi 1122.67 EUR
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